Monday, April 15, 2013

Green Breakfast Smoothie!

Good morning my loves!

I make a variation of this smoothie every day. It gets me PUMPED and energized for the day. Much more than coffee ever did might I add! (And I drank a LOT of coffee in my day ;)

This recipe makes about 46 oz, so enough for 2 people!

1-2 Bananas
1 apple
1/4 cup frozen Strawberries
1/4 cup frozen blueberries
3 large stalks of Kale (ends removed)
1/4 or less of a pineapple
1/4 cup or less of coconut meat (optional)
5-6 Dates
1 tsp of less of vanilla extract
1/4 tsp of almond extract
1/4 tsp of Cinnamon
1/8 tsp of nutmeg
Coconut water or almond milk, enough that the first inch or two in the blender is covered (to ease the blades to be able to blend)
4-5 Ice cubes

>Optional but I always put these superfood powders in for extra nutritional and energy benefits:

1-2 tsps of Maca Powder
1 tsp of Cacao Powder
1 tsp of Lucuma Powder
1 tsp of Mesquite Power

> Try to put the softest ingredients towards the bottom for easier blending. Blend on high until everything is smooth and evenly mixed.

On top I put:

1 tbsp of chia seeds
1 tbsp coconut shreds
1 tbsp cacao nibs
2 tsps raw almond slivers crunched up

Mix well throughout (esp the chia seeds), grab a BIG straw and ENJOY! (I got my straws at bed, bath & beyond!)

Hope you love! xoxo

Sunday, April 14, 2013

"Taco Meat" Salad

Raw Vegan "Taco Meat" Salad.


>For salads I literally throw every vegetable you can think of in there:

Romaine lettuce
Shredded Carrots
LOTS of Tomatoes
Broccoli (I like to blanch mine for 1 minute)
Kalamata olives (in the jar)
Red/green bell pepper
Red onion 
Maybe 1/4 to 1/2 avocado
Sunflower Seeds
Hemp seeds
Sun Dried Tomatoes

I think thats it?! LOL it varies, whatever you have is good though so long as its a lot of salad.

>For the cauliflower rice as pictured:

A head of cauliflower
1/2 Garlic Cloves
2 tbsps cilantro
Wee bit of flax oil

Pulse in a food processor until you get the snow like consistency. 

>For the "taco meat":

1 cup of walnuts
2 tsps of Flax oil
10 sundried tomatoes (soaked in water for a few hours, at least one hour)
1/4 tsp chili powder
1/8 tsp cayenne pepper (or more to taste but try that first)
a sprinkle of salt!

pulse until it looks meaty!

>For a dressing:

3/4 cup cashews
1/3 cup water 
1 tbsp apple cider vinegar
1 tbsp lemon
1 garlic clove
1/8 of an onion 
1 tbsp honey or agave nectar
sprinkle of salt
lots of black pepper

Blend until creamy. I usually use 2 tbsps on a large salad.

Hope you like!


Juicing 101

Hey ya'll! SO I know a few weeks ago I had promised a video on juicing, however I think it would be easiest for me to type out everything considering its a lot and I'd probably be talking for a long time!

I am starting another juice fast this thursday April 18th for 10 days! I have a photo shoot on the 28th and I want to look and feel my best so I know what needs to be done. If anyone would like to join me on the juice fast please let me know, I would love to have some buddies!

So here is what a typical day of juicing looks like:

Wake up in the morning (feelin like p diddy.. ha ha):

>First thing have a cup of hot water and lemon, I usually do a half of a lemon squeezed.

>Next have a 16oz or more glass of water. Usually I drink all this while I'm chopping up my veggies and fruits for the day & juicing.

>I drink 3 different types of juice, the first is usually this one:

5-6 Carrots
1 medium Beet
1 apple
1/4 inch slice ginger
1/4 lemon

I highly recommend you cut the top and bottom of of the beet and peel it before juicing. Although you should wash everything throughly, beets always seem to have dirt engrained in them and it tastes better if you peel it. Also peel the rind off the lemon.

This one is SO energizing which is why I recommend starting your day with it.

>About an hour or two later I will have my second juice:

1-2 Mangos
1/4 of a pineapple
12 strawberries

Need I say more? The fruit ones are absolutely DELICIOUS! I don't make this one every day though.

>Sometimes I'll have this:

1 medium fennel bulb
2-3 pears
20 grapes

This one is so yummy as well, and the fennel is great for you.

>Here is the most IMPORTANT juice you could possibly have, and I usually have it around 4 or 5pm:

1 cucumber
3 stalks of Kale
1 head of celery (I get celery hearts)
1-2 leaves of swiss chard
large handful of parsley
1-2 green apples
1/2 of a lemon
1/4 slice of ginger

This one I have every single day, it is the most important because of the high nutrients in the green vegetables, especially the kale. You could replace kale for spinach or just add in spinach to this recipe. Once again peel the lemon. I usually chop off the bottom stalks of the kale and just use the leafy part so that it is easier on my juicer.

So this is a typical day! I also drink LOTS of water and have about 32oz of coconut water and some herbal tea. This may seem cray but TRUST ME, you can do it! You will feel amazing afterwards and during!

What else can I answer for you all? Let me know.

Also just searching on the internet for recipes is great, is where I got a lot of my recipes.

**Always consult your doctor before starting a new nutrition regime. I'm obviously not a doctor this is just my experience.